Very cheap, surprisingly effective and 100% safe. Check out remedial properties of products available in pharmacies that can be used in your body care. Check for yourself that they can work better than many expensive cosmetics. It is really worth having them in your makeup bag. What are the products worth recommending?

First of all, remember not to judge a book by its cover, in this case, do not give your opinion on the basis of the price or the label. It often happens that products that are not widely advertised, work better than the popular ones. In the search of inexpensive and effective products for skin and hair care, it is advisable to visit your pharmacy. Many substances with medicinal properties can serve a variety of purposes. They are rich in vitamins and minerals that have a salutary effect on skin.

PHARMACY HITS perfect for your makeup bag.

Castor oil

Oil that is obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) does not have to be introduced. In theory, it is intended to treat intestinal problems. However, it is best known by many hair maniac. They value the substance for its tremendous effects on hair. First of all, it boosts hair growth and provides shine to dull hair. Although it works best on hair, castor oil can also be used for face care. Unfortunately, it has a very thick and sticky consistency, therefore it should be heated up before hair oiling.

Skinoren (Azelaic acid)

Appears in the form of a gel or cream. It is a well-known acne medication. The product is a spot treatment to prevent spreading bacteria responsible for acne. Azelaic acid is the healing substance that also brightens skin. Therefore, it can be used to reduce post-acne scarring and skin discolouration.


Adored by many women, pure vaseline can be bought in the pharmacy. It is a component of many beautifying cosmetics, such as lip balms. Vaseline should take place in your makeup bag especially in winter time. It can be used directly to lips and very dry spots on the skin because it provides intensive moisturising as well as smoothing and protection.

Zinc cream

One of the most often recommended medical preparations for acne is zinc cream. Additionally, it can be used for skin inflammations and abraded skin. Ointment with zinc oxidum can be used for preventing and treating diaper rash. It can also be used to treat minor skin irritations (such as: cuts, burns, and scrapes, poison ivy). It also dries, therefore it can replace many anti-acne cosmetics. Simply apply on the spots where necessary, in the morning you will wake up with beautiful complexion.

Liquid vitamin C

Most common vitamin C in the form of liquid is medicine designed for children. Ascorbic acid is to assist in the prevention of diseases caused by deficiency of vitamin C. You can surely borrow a few drops of vitamin C from your child. Additionally, it works great also used externally – revives the skin and improves its tone.

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