Assuming that face make-up is a form of art, we have to recognize that each artist must take care of its workroom. You also have to learn how to use your make-up brushes appropriately. The following companion will help you to master this art to perfection.

1. Brushes like delicacy

Wash your brushes after each use just to prevent all bacteria from gathering onto its surface. Highly recommended is liquid and delicate soap, like for example, baby soap or a bar made from natural components. It is also worth understanding that dry residues of cosmetics that cling to brushes make it almost impossible to apply flawless make-up.

2. Keep rolling

The best way to wash brushes is to rub the brushes delicately against the palm of a hand using circular movements. Sometimes it happens that a brush is stained with some greasy marks, which are hard to remove. In this case, it is suggested adding a few drops of an oil (best if natural) to the soap. Olive oil, linseed oil or almond oil will pass the exam. Commit this golden rule to the memory: oil removes oil. Next, wash the brush one more time, yet with soap only. What is also crucial, set the bristle downwards when you place it under the stream of water.

3. Head down

It is best for brushes to let them dry horizontally, with the bristle projecting out the edge of a shelf or a chest of drawers. It is important to provide the bristle with space so it can dry out without being in contact with any surface. Thanks to this, bristle will not distort. Neither use a dryer nor put the brushes on the radiator – the applicators have to dry out on their own. Once dried, you can store them vertically. Just make sure that they are not in contact with anything because they can change their original shape.

4. Provide brushes with a nice ‘hairdo’

It happens more than often that the thick, fluffy brushes become shaggy and tousled with individual bristle sticking out. Such bristle has to be straightened again to guarantee precision of makeup. In this case, reach for a hair conditioner. Rub the conditioner into the brush and wait a while. Next, rinse the conditioner off placing the brush under a stream of fresh water, setting its head accordingly to the direction of the stream.

5. Subtle, with no jerking

Regardless of what you are doing with the brush, wash it or apply make-up with, remember to do it delicately. Brushes do not like being rubbed, jerked and pressed heavily. High quality brush manages to apply pigment even with a tiniest movement.

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